bedroom · Uncategorized

bedroom like a hotel room

I so wish this was my bedroom!  I get daily digest emails from flylady, and she sends out notes about how our bedrooms should be our sanctuaries and how they can be like hotel rooms – minimal and clean.  I heard her words for years but one look at this photo from a “flybaby” helps me see how clean a bedroom can be!  This flybaby, julotist, states that she worked at it 15 minutes at a time, cleaning out items from the entire room, and now it just takes minutes to put away clothes and keep the room this neat.

I now have a goal to work in 15 minute segments to get my bedroom this neat and clean!

One thought on “bedroom like a hotel room

  1. Gosh I thought I was the only one who wanted to live in a hotel-like-home. This photo really inspires me. It’s the little piles of things that build up that prevent the hotel-like-bedroom. Merci for the kick.

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